Crucial Issues In The Fashion Industry Essay

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Final Essay
Crucial Issues facing the image of the Fashion Industry
Shaikha Abdulla
ID: 0/46889
Group: C
Submitted to:
Ian Shears

Crucial Issues facing the image of the Fashion Industry Fashion is freedom, comfort, change, religion, practice, and what you are. To girls, fashion is everything, hair, decoration, clothing, and behavior. Fashion is not just about clothing, it’s a manner of doing something. However, fashion is a popular style mostly in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, and body. A rule in the fashion industry which a style does not call a fashion until it gains acceptance from the customers. In my opinion, fashion is expressing me, comfort, classifying myself and a language that tells a story …show more content…

What I mean by recycling is that fashion should transport those clothes, sell them, use them, and finally recycling them, for example selling second-hand clothes. This will save the world economy and will help low-classes level to buy those fancy clothes. I 'm not saying buy them at an extremely cheap price all I 'm saying is sell them with a reasonable amount. There are major brands like Nike, H&M, and Patagonia offers to recycle. For the animal’s case, the government must put an end to them who can’t stop the killing for animal fur by policies or law that in case they keep doing this sin they end up in jail or execution. And we as citizens should raise a campaign against this non-human violence toward an animal. After so many researching it finds out New York is the only state that their government announced electrocute is illegal. A group of North American brands and retailers work hard to improve safety in Bangladesh hand- made factories of cloth. The key for models to develop positive body image is to recognize and respect her natural body shape and have to learn to defeat those negative thoughts and feelings with positive, and accepting yourself and body. It’s not important how people see us or whether we fit someone else standard. Moreover, exercising frequently is an interesting

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