In “How Duke Transformed its Defense from a Susceptible Shortcoming to a Special, Stifling Zone” by Dan Greene, the author outlines the sudden transformation of Duke University’s Men Basketball team from a horrible defensive squad into one that is hard to score on. Offensively, Duke is loaded with talent and has many players who are capable of scoring the basketball. However, Defense has been a struggle for Duke this season, causing them to lose crucial games. The author summarizes Duke’s transformation by explaining the influences, advantages, and statistics of the zone defense. Duke has not always run zone defense.
The Clutter family had it all. Nancy was beautiful, Herb Clutter was an admirable and respected man in Holcomb, Kansas, and the rest of the family were all well off in their lives. It seemed that only Bonnie Clutter, with her psychiatric condition, was not absolutely thriving. The town of Holcomb was the classic community; everyone knew everyone, and there was an air of respect. At one point, Greece was, in way, the same.
The Little Rock Nine will be forever known as history as great leaders. The Little Rock Nine are the first African Americans to go to an all white high school known as Central High. With the help of Mrs.Bates their mentor to protect them it will not be easy. Carlotta Walls LaNier has written her autobiography called A Mighty Long Way. During the integration of Little Rock Central High in 1957,the media illuminated certain event but painted an inaccurate or incomplete picture of other events.
WASHINGTON — Since President Barack Obama decided to rename Mount McKinley, why not also restore the Native American name of Mount Rainier, the iconic Washington state peak named for a British admiral who fought the Americans during the Revolutionary War? That 's what advocates in the long battle to rename Mount Rainier as Mount Tacoma or Tahoma want to know. "It 's a much more compelling argument to rename the mountain here than in Alaska," said Bill Baarsma, former mayor of the city of Tacoma and president of the Tacoma Historical Society.
The school system was not always the way it is now. It was not schools that were mixed with every race under one building sitting next to each other getting the same education. In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for schools to be segregated, in the case of Brown v Board of Education. This paper will argue that the Little Rock nine played a pivotal moment in history by leading to desegregation and bringing into light the social injustices during that time for African American students. Terry Barrett describes that there are six categories that photographs can fall in that describes their external context.
Mauna Kea Imagine the most breath- taking view. Do you think you could ever stop looking? If there was one place I 'd like to go, it would be Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea is a shield/ hotspot volcano located on the Big Island of Hawaii. I want to go to Mauna Kea because of the beautiful summit, exciting topography, as well as the otherworldly drive up and down the mountain.
Hunter Reaux Flatlands begins in a world with only two dimensions where there is no conception of depth. only length and width. The world is only able to appear vertical because the rain simply falls from the north and the south resulting in pentagon shaped houses to be built in order to defend from the rain. One of the most common ways to distinguish among inhabitants (as there is no depth) is fog.
The most thought-provoking book I read this summer was The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. Not only is this book fast paced keeping you with the urge to read but it also focuses on real events leaving the reader to wonder why it is said that history repeats itself. I chose this book to focus on because of the close connection the story seemed to hold to recent events in history. The Ebola outbreak was the center of the media’s attention recently because of all the harm it caused in Africa and the fact that a virus could be so destructive, managing a large scale outbreak, is a massive threat to life as we know it. My reason for taking AP World History was really quite simple.
The Power of a Few Citizens America’s history is full of conflict, and also full of positive change. A prime example of this is the Civil Rights Movement. Following Reconstruction, which took place after the Civil War, Jim Crow laws and segregation rose despite efforts to achieve equality for African Americans, like the 14th and 15th Amendments (Introduction to the Civil Rights Movement). The Civil Rights Movement was a period of fighting for political, economical, social, and just about any other type of equality for African Americans. Despite extreme backlash and disapproval from white supremacist groups and racists, mainly in the South, a positive change was created, credited to the many events that took place during this time (Carson).
Second, Illegal sale of marijuana in Crenshaw Boulevard. Teenagers by using this drugs are getting addicted to it. Due to lack of money to buy it, they are practicing crime to acquire money. By using drugs they are not able to concentrate on the studies and are eventually dropping from school. This leads to unemployment and will make them criminals eventually.
Multiple drivers surviving a serious car crash generally require some form of occupational therapy for recovery. The Occupational Therapist, conducts comprehensive driving evaluations by developing plans for the individual to continue driving, or assist the person in transitioning from driver to passenger. These decisions are based upon clinical assessments of the individual’s vision, cognition, motor performance, reaction time, and knowledge of traffic rules, as well as provide a behind-the wheel assessment of one’s driving skills. The mission of an Occupational Therapist is to “provide individuals with disabilities solutions for living a normal productive life of independence, and functional
Today, the Salton Basin is 35 miles long, 15 miles wide, and 30 feet deep (2). It is also around 228 feet below sea level (2). It’s current salinity is around 48,000 milligrams per liter, or 37 percent higher than the Pacific Ocean which allows only for salt-tolerant fish and birds to survive (2). The Salton Basin of Imperial Valley is one of the most biologically diverse areas in California with over 400 species and subspecies found there (2). Common mammals that can be found in the Imperial Valley are raccoons, coyotes, striped skunks, desert pocket mice, Merriam 's kangaroo rats, desert cottontails, Valley pocket gophers, and Round-tailed ground squirrels.
When acquiring a college degree you benefit greatly. The pay you get at any job will be raised if you have worked for a college degree, some jobs won’t even look at your resume if you don’t have a degree. Many people chose not to go to college, but roughly about 1/3 of high school students continue their education at college. Overall you get a higher job satisfaction if you have snagged a college degree. I would much rather be looked up to, rather than looking up to someone who has continued their education.
“Slow response time, loss of clarity in vision and hearing, loss of muscle strength and flexibility, drowsiness due to medications, and a reduction in the ability to focus or concentrate” are all effects of aging identified in Westport News’s March 2010 article “Should elderly drivers be retested?” 2. Although some older drivers try to make up for these disabilities by driving more cautious, driving below the speed limit can cause more dangers. B. Cause 2: The trend of increases in fatal accidents involving elderly people is partially due to an increased susceptibility to injury and medical complications within this age group. Transition 3: While car accidents involving the elderly is a widespread issue, there are multiple solutions that can be implemented to reduce the likelihood of this occurring.
I cannot stress enough on how this is so much better for all of us. I mean who doesn’t want to be safe and get to work even faster? After doing some research on National Motorist Association website I discovered that the main problem for these accidents is the differences in speeds. On a 70 mph highway someone driving 70 and another driver driving 60 will increase the chances of an accident all because the driver was going 60. That 10 mph really made the difference.