
Crystal Said Her Client Is Currently In Jail For Drugs

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PER REPORTER: Crystal said her client (Brittany) is currently in jail for ninety days due to her testing positive for methamphetamine, and she said Brittany told her, her three children are in a safe place with their grandmother while she is in jail. However, she said Brittany said her husband (Tanner) can get Brayley if he wants to due to her being his child, but she said she would prefer for the child to stay with her grandmother. Crystal said it was reported to her by Brittany and her mother in law (Brandy) allegations about the two of them doing drugs around Brayley last weekend on Friday night. She said she found out about the following allegations last Wednesday when she arrested Brandy and Brittany for drug use. It is unknown if the …show more content…

She also said Brittany told her Brandy went out and bought the methamphetamine they were shooting up around Brayley. However, it is unknown if drugs were being done around Brittany’s other two children due to Crystal believing the other children were with their grandmother while Brittany and Brandy were using drugs. She mentioned wanting CPS to do a welfare check on this family just in case Brittany starts backing using drugs and gets her children when she gets out of Florence County jail. Crystal also mentioned that Brittany is in a ninety-day recovery and work program while in jail and does not get out for another eighty-nine days from today. She said Brittany also disclosed to her information regarding her filing charges of aggravated domestic assault against her husband (Tanner) about a month ago. According to Brittany, Tanner put her children in a room and turned the light off on them causing them to be afraid. She said when she intervened Tanner then hit her head against the wall and proceeded to choke her, and she said the children witnessed the abuse while it took

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