Cultural Analysis Report

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The purpose of this analysis report is to show any findings on the effect of cultural backgrounds on student admissions to college using IBM Watson Analytics. In this report, we focus relationships on student’s high school GPA and ethnicity. Also, included in this report is the connection between a student’s ethnicity and their various placement test scores. Parents level of education and their children’s level of success is also examined in this analytical report. The report assesses these aspects of a student’s life and looks to find a correlation between there admission to college.

The Data
The Data used in this report about cultural background and its effect on college admissions from the admission excel spreadsheet on blackboard. …show more content…

There where one thousand five hundred and fifty students documented in the provided data.

GPA and Ethnicity Trends
High school GPA is a familiar topic and a good way to observe possible correlations between data. GPA can tell you how well a student is performing in school. We looked at the effect a student’s ethnicity had on their GPA. We did end up find an association between a student’s ethnicity and their high school GPA. The graphs below are our findings when looking at ethnicity and high school GPA.

The graphical figure 1 above shows students average high school GPA broken down into by their ethnicity. As you can see there is a difference in student’s high school GPA and their ethnicity. In blue are the Asian students who have the highest average GPA. In yellow are the Hispanic students who have the lowest average high school GPA. The green are black students and the orange are white students average high school GPAs. black and white students are in the middle. There is a clear connection between a student’s high school GPA and their ethnicity. We broke down the data further and compared student’s admission status with ethnicity and …show more content…

Figure two is specifically total GPA by ethnicity and admission status. By looking at figure two you can see how white students have the highest total acceptance GPA but when you look at their average GPA in figure three you can see their GPA is in the middle. Also, when observing figure three you can see the how close the acceptance average GPA of Hispanic students are to the rejection average GPA of Asian Students. There is a minute difference of 0.046 points. Asian students need to have a higher on average GPA then Hispanic students.

Math Placement Tests
Figure 4 is a heat map of Student’s Math placement scores broken down by ethnicity. The darker the circle the higher the math placement test score. As has been trending with this data so far the Asian students had the highest math score and the Hispanic students had the lowest math placement scores. While white and black students again fall in the middle. Next, we compared students GPA, math score and ethnicity.

Figure 5 compares students High school GPA and math placement score by ethnicity and admission status. Again, you can see Asian students are far above the other students. Also on Figure five you can see Asian students rejected from college have a higher math placement test then Hispanic students who were accepted. White students who were rejected also had a higher GPA then accepted Hispanic