The Bracero Program Summary

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How Latinos historical experiences relate to other groups in Global Pattern of Intergroup Relations? Throughout history, the Latinos has always been in lower chain in the United States. Mexicans or Latinos come to the U.S to have a better working environment where they get pay well enough to care for their families down in Mexico. In the documentary, “The Bracero Program: Harvest of loneliness”, I saw that the Mexicans who come to the U.S to have a better income does not come very easily, here is when Internal Colonialism come in to play. They are payed very low. The income they receive is not enough to support their families. The Braceros (Mexican arm workers) work in agriculture field for the white man. Over the years the Braceros are granted temporary visas to …show more content…

In education, the Latinos kids tend to be like their parents or better when it comes to education. Depending on the highest education both parents when to, their kids is most likely to do the same. If both parent’s highest education was Middle School, then that will be their highest education and begin to work in low profile like drug dealing. Latinos who have completed less than high school are 37.8%. If the parent completed a higher education like High School, that would fall into the 26.5% who did. Some colleges competed falls in the 17.2%. these numbers are falling drastically due to their parent’s history, which triggers bac to their grandparents and great grandparents. Latinos who manage to graduate from Universities and receives a BA or a much higher degree in their majors are in the 13.0%. That 13.0% of Latinos are pushed by their parents to get a better education so that they do not have to work on minimum wage and work on something they love to do for a career, something their parents didn’t do for themselves. Latinos is the race and ethnicities who have a very low University Grads. Latinos is right above Mexico by