Cultural Context Inventory Essay

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The results of the cultural context inventory for myself were high context – 28, low context 31 with a difference of 3, for my journal partner the high context was 31, low context 36 with a difference of 5. We have comparable results due to the fact both of us communicate in similar fashions. We tend to be aware of nonverbal cues between ourselves, and know when and how far to push an issue. With having two children we also avoid conflicts in front of them and make an effort to include them in family decisions. Personally, I feel showing our children that compromising and compassion towards others brings people closer and makes it easier to communicate thoughts and feelings.
Additionally, my journal partner and myself can adapt to most situations and the communication between each other is excellent. We both can speak up when the situation warrants us to and remain a bystander if that is what is required. We communicate well with each other and are direct with situations we need to relay. We do not dance around a topic, we can also usually tell when the other person is not being 100% truthful with expressing how they feel about a particular circumstance. I may be more straight forward with my discussions, …show more content…

If you understand the culture context you have chosen to learn about you will know how to manage the way you approach the process. A good start would be to take the time and interest to broaden our understanding of the differences we all have. Keeping an open mind and embracing the diversities can make us stronger and more accepting of people that are from another culture. I trust some of the easy things you can do to make an effort to comprehend a new culture is, listen to their music, attempt to learn their language and try the traditional food of their culture. The possibilities are endless when you take the ingenuity to learn something