Influence Of Communication In Relationship To Personal And Cultural Differences On Communication

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Option A – Frame of reference (Topic 2)
The aim of this essay is to discuss how people’s frame of reference may influence their communication with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, with reference to personal and cultural differences in values, beliefs, attitudes and customs, and how these differences may complicate sharing of meaning and cooperation in relationships.
Key concepts
Frame of Reference
According to (Atherton, 2013) frame of reference is very broad in understanding and has a lot of complex set of assumptions and attitudes which we use to filter perceptions to create and share meaning. Our frame of reference is largely influenced by our values, beliefs, attitudes and our customs or culture and this often influences our understanding, response and judgement. This makes the process of communication a very unique and dynamic part of our everyday life (relationships). According to (Du Plooy-Cilliers and Louw, 2014) we need to understand that people have no view into our frames of reference and thus we must be open in allowing other people to understand our frames in order to create effective communication. Especially if we are in a close relationship with those people. Relationships are very demanding and how we understand and share meaning is very important in growing them.
For Example: My Girlfriend had a problem with her laptop, she is a law student and she is not very technical. She told me that her laptop is dead as if the laptop