
Curfew Persuasive Essay

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Setting a curfew for teenagers is a wonderful idea. People say teens are up to no good, but if that's true how does that make adults any better? However, I personally don't think it will keep them out trouble and unruly things, they happen at any time of the day not just at night. There's always rules set, sadly everyone doesn't follow them. With a curfew teens will want to do more because they are limited to their freedom, adds stress, and also gives some teens a chance to change. With a curfew teens are still going to do what they want just more and worse. Lying, skipping school, and sneaking out. When teens do these things they feel as they're on top of the world and no one can stop them. Curfews don't change the reason why teens commit crime. Crime in general is not committed by all teens; a large amount of them are adults and do they have curfews? No so what is stopping them from doing what they do ? Nothing. …show more content…

If they are trying to abide by the rules and get home before their 10 o'clock curfew they are going to be completely blown. Possibly breaking the law, and getting in trouble from their parents could be the worst thing for them.If they are caught out after curfew their parents could get in trouble. If a teen is out having a lot of fun with their friends or at work, a curfew is the least thing on their

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