Cushing's Syndrome Research Paper

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Cushing Syndrome: occurs when your body has been exposed to the hormone cortisol for a long period of time. The most common cause of Cushing’s Syndrome is called hypercortisolism is the use of oral corticosteroid medication. The condition can also occur when your body makes too much cortisol. Cushing’s Syndrome is an endocrine disorder of the adrenal glands, it causes physical and physiological effects. Because of to much cortisol it could cause some hallmark signs: like hypertension, obesity, weakness of muscles, a tendency to develop bruises. Some typical characteristics are: rapid deposit of fat; this rapid deposit of fat can be found between the shoulders it is called “buffalo hump”. There are also changes of a rounded …show more content…

story of living with Cushing’s Disease: Test and Diagnostics:
Cushing’s disease can be hard to diagnose because it has a lot of the signs and symptoms of other diseases. Frist your doctor will conduct a physical exam if suspected of having Cushing’s doctor will look for rounding of the face “moon face”, or a pad of fatty tissue between the shoulder “buffalo hump” the next step will be taken.
Urine and blood test – Will measure the hormone levels in your urine and blood to tell whether you’re your body is producing excessive amounts of cortisol. For a urine test your doctor might recommend a 24 hour urine collection. Then both urine and blood test will be sent to the laboratory to be tested to check cortisol levels.
Saliva test – Cortisol levels rise and fall at different time of the day. But, in the evening is where they discovered that the levels drop the most. So by taking the saliva test the best time to get a sample would be at night when the cortisol levels would be at their highest.
Imaging test – Tomography scans as well as magnetic resonance scans can provide images of the pituitary and adrenal glands and also detect abnormalities, such as tumors and …show more content…

These treatment and drugs could be:
Reducing corticosteroid use – If the reason why you got Cushing’s is because of long term use of the drug Corticosteroid then your doctor could reduce your dosage so that your levels could equal out. While reducing your dosage he/she could still manage to take care of your asthma, arthritis or other condition you might have that has you taking corticosteroid. Do not discontinue and of corticosteroid without consulting your doctor first.
Surgery – If you have a tumor caused be Cushing’s your doctor may recommend surgery to completely remove the tumor. If tumor is present on pituitary gland the surgery will be performed by a neurosurgeon, procedure may be done through your nose canal. If tumor is found on adrenal gland, pancreas or lungs the surgeon will be able to remove it through standard surgery. After operation you may need to take a cortisol replacement medication to provide your body with the correct amount of cortisol you need. In most cases the replacement medication works out just fine and they can live a normal

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