
Cyber Threat To America Essay

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Hackers are not only posing cyber threats to America, but to other countries as well.
Hackers have become a greater issue since the growth of advanced technology.
Cyber hackers have had serious and dangerous impacts on countries, including a enormous main impact on the Russian government and their security against hackers. To be specific hackers have already linked to the Russian government and have created the “Crash Override”, systems like this have the power to bring down power girds, and crash overrides also have the power to eventually shut down one-fifth of the power in Kiev, Ukraine (Marshall). Power systems like the Crash Override have made it easy for cyber hackers to manage their way into confidential files, private items and governmental …show more content…

Due to the numerous technological advancements, including the usage percent of Internet users today, hackers are able to absorb any information. The Internet has grown phenomenally since the 1990s and currently has about 3.5 billion users who make up forty-seven percent of the world population (Yang Kang). People have created ways on the Internet to help stop hackers from striking their next target. In the past two years, the United States have had several key attempts to redefine the structure of the web (Glenny). These various attempts are allegedly created to help the defense against attackers. Including, the US Cyber Command and it has primary role to help defend .mil networks, these networks are top-level domain, created by the military for the United States Department of Defense, it helps defend affiliated organizations, and to stop attempts from hackers striking the people. With these many attempts to stop hackers the military has stepped in to defend their security of military defense plans and confidential information. The Internet is a major part of why hackers are becoming a major threat to the United States along with other

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