What Is The Arguments To Kepler´s New Astronomy?

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1st- Within this excerpt from Kepler’s work called New Astronomy, he describes how the belief that the Earth rotates around the Sun does not contradict the Scripture of God. In order to claim this premise, he builds this idea on a series of arguments and explanations. Kepler first argument elaborates on the idea that people in society produce most of their supporting evidence for their interpretation of the Bible through the use of senses, specifically that of sight. He argues that empirical observations cannot always support their interpretations of the Scripture because there is much that society cannot accurately describe just using their sense of sight. Kepler uses this argument to show that society should not always trust its observations and that even though there is no observed feelings of wind or vibrations, society should not claim that this absence of observed phenomenon supports their interpretation of the Bible that there is a geocentric universe. This explanation by Kepler to show that his ideas does not contradict Scripture and observations, is an urge to turn towards other ways (such as mathematics) to properly describe and explain the universe rather than just through empirical observations. Kepler’s next introduces the very …show more content…

Powerful bishops and believers of the Holy Scripture deny Kepler’s interpretation of the passage in the Bible because they claim that only those with an authority in the Church are allowed to interpret the Bible and exclaim the word of God. The Church believed that Kepler had no authority to personally interpret the Scripture in light of his scientific discoveries. Contemporary objections to Kepler’s interpretation on why the sun centered view was not a dissent against the Scripture based their opinions on the premise that only Church leaders were the only ones able to truly read and understand God’s ideas laid out in the