Cyberbully Pros And Cons

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[Cyberbullying] Have you ever been a cyberbully? Have you ever been cyberbullied? Did you know that people want to make it illegal? So if you are a cyberbully in the state of Maryland, you could possibly be prosecuted. Delegate Jon S. Cardin wants to make cyberbullying illegal in Maryland and i'm sure he’s not the only one. Threatening someone and cyberbullying are unacceptable, but are people taking it too far? Are people being more emotional than rational? I mean it's not as cut and dry as an actual physical crime. I think people shouldn't be prosecuted for what they say to another person on the internet.
This is a serious topic that many people are debating over. If cyberbullying was illegal, thousands of kids and teens would be in jail. …show more content…

You can block someone from Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even on regular message. 39% of people dont turn on their privacy settings. All those 39% could be a victim of cyberbullying. If they are the victim, why aren't they doing the easiest thing to stop it? Just block the person, or even get off of the device. It's that simple. Lisa Ford-Berry is a mother of a 17 year old boy at Mira Loma High School in California. In an interview she said,”Parents of the victims and the perpetrators both expect the schools to do something, and yet we as a society do nothing.” Some parents want it to become a law just so something can be done at school about it. But school isn't a place where people should look too to do the …show more content…

“The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It also guarantees freedom of expression.” (First) I understand if some people want cyberbullying to be illegal because people are threatening other people, and I think that when it gets to that point, it is a serious issue. But let's be rational. If cyberbullying was illegal, millions of people would be prosecuted every day for just saying someone was ugly. If Americans have the right to hate a president or say that they don't like a president then teens should have the right to voice their opinion on the internet. I feel like more people are saying they are being cyberbullied just because their feelings got hurt over something someone said. If cyberbullying was to be a law then it should have specific guidelines, like you can only try to prosecute someone if they are threatening you or someone else. Otherwise, putting someone in jail for saying a rude comment would be a complete disgrace to the First