
Cyberbullying Persuasive Essay

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The internet is such a powerful source for all users of it; with great power comes great responsibility. Cyberbullying is a negative form of internet usage and should never be taken lightly. The topic of cyberbullying is debated in various viewpoints in Source 1, “Cyberbullying Prevention Act (HR 6123)”, and Source 2
In source 1, Meier list some example as to why cyber bullying can be considered negative; it supports why cyberbullying should be part of the criminal code. Cyberbullying can only be done electronically which requires internet access. In section 1, Meier reveals to the reader, “Four out of five of United States children aged 2 to 17 live in a home where either they or their parents access the internet” (lines 6-7). The people live …show more content…

Many individuals disagree with the way cyberbullying is taken care of, and they do not support the bill because of the ways it is addressed. In section 2 the responders of Meier state, “However, it is our belief that the proposed bill seeks to address the problem of cyberbullying in a wrongheaded and unproductive way” (Section 2). Sending a person to jail or giving them a fine will not change the way they speak to others behind a screen, therefore, other solutions should be presented for both the cyberbullies and the person getting bullied. These solutions can include counseling; this would allow the cyberbullies to reach within themselves and fix their problems so that they do not take it out on others. In section 2 it also brings up the point that we should not waive our constitutional freedoms in order to stop cyberbullying, especially since legislation will not stop the problem (Section 2). Since legislation will not help, solutions such as counseling only should be brought into play. This would allow the cyberbullies to reach within themselves and fix their problems so that they do not take it out on

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