Cypop5 Task 5

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Action Points from last visit • Review lunch time routines. Lunch time routines have been reviewed and the children are being given more opportunities to develop independence skills. • Declutter the bathrooms On my visit the bathrooms were tidy and clear of clutter • Air Conditioning Fans have been bought for the very hot days. • Continue with personal plans All children have a personal plan and staff are becoming more confident using these due to support from management. Comments/Discussions: Monitoring Charmaine and Joyce were looking at how to take the monitoring forward in a way that will have the most impact on practice, the environment and children outcomes. We discussed that monitoring needs to be consistent and regularly reviewed and the impact of the monitoring documented in a clear succinct way. I showed Charmaine and Joyce a …show more content…

The room was calm and the children all seemed happy and content with their new key workers. Charmaine and Joyce will be closing monitoring and supporting the staff to ensure this transition period is a smooth as possible for parents and children. 2-3 The environment has much improved offering children a wide variety of learning experiences that are allowing the children to explore paint water and sand and cosy areas for relaxation that also have a wide variety of books for the children to look at and mark making resources. Staff are continuing to develop their planning to ensure it is responsive and relevant. 3-5 The children were at lunch and they have been given more opportunities to develop their independence skills. Lunch time was a social event and the children and staff were chatting and enjoying their food. The learning environment was tidy and the areas were set up for the children to return to after lunch and planning was evident and relevant to the children’s needs and stages of development. Action and Timescale (if