Damon's Tragic Hero In Mystic Falls

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Born on June 28th 1870 in Mystic Falls, Damon is the eldest son of Giuseppe and brother to Stefan. Inspite of the 6 year age gap, the brothers were very close. Even after he joined the Confederate Army, he would come home regularly to visit. Then he met Katherine Pierce, an orphan from Atlanta, who his father had taken in as a ward.

It is uncertain when, but he eventually discovers that Katherine is a vampire, but he loves her, and accepts her for who and what she is. Unlike Stefan, who fears and rejects her, and has to be compelled to love her, Damon willingly drank Katherine’s blood. He wanted to give up his human life, and spend eternity with Katherine. He begged Stefan to keep it a secret from their father, but his brother inadvertently …show more content…

His humanity switch was still turned off, and he killed locals of the city. He was friends with Will, a vampire who ran a bar, and let Damon feed there in return for the IDs of Damon’s victims. Lexi eventually found him, informing him that she and Stefan had heard of him all the way back in Mystic Falls. She tried to help Damon get his humanity back, but he refused her offer. But, Lexi was stubborn and stayed with him for the next 6 months. Every night she would try to get him to talk about Katherine, in an attempt to get him to turn his humanity back on. Eventually, he told her he didn’t love Katherine, he loved her. They have a passionate night, ending up on the roof. As the sun comes up, Lexi begins to burn, and tries to escape. Turns out Damon had reinforced the door, and she couldn’t leave until the sun went back down. He’d been lying about getting his humanity …show more content…

They eventually realise that they can’t stop Klaus, and a plan is put into action to save Elena’s life. During this time, Damon gets bitten by the werewolf Tyler, but hides it until they manage to save Elena. Which they do by transferring her biological father, John Gilbert’s life essence to her.

He eventually tells Stefan about the werewolf bite, who tries to find a cure. He discovers that the blood of The Hybrid is the only cure. So, he begs Klaus to help. Klaus helps on the condition that the younger Salvatore gives himself over to him, and becomes the ripper.

Damon then tries to convince Elena to stop searching for Stefan, as he thought he was gone, and never coming back. The blood lust had him. With Stefan gone, people keep trying to change Damon, and try to keep him in check. He got fed up with everyone trying to change him, and goes on a road trip with Katherine to fin a way to end Klaus once and for all. They discover the existence of a vampire hunter who can kill an Original. It turns out that it’s actually Klaus’s father

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