
Danac Print World Case Study Marketing

478 Words2 Pages

Market Research
We have decided to focus our research on secondary research only. While we do believe it may be beneficial to gather information and suggestions through primary research, there are many resources available through secondary research that will be sufficient.
As Danac Print World is large, a vast amount of literature and information is available. Through researching readily available information, we are able to gather both positive and negative options and research from very credible sources. We focused our secondary research on past and current articles on Danac Print World as well as other similar industries as a whole. Databases and websites were utilized in gathering this information. In addition, we delved into previously …show more content…

These are Product, Price, Promotion, and Place.
The business has implemented these four important strategies in the organisation since our existence which has proven to be a success.
Danac Print World markets not only calendar software but also the service of specialty advertising to its clients. Danac Print World intangible attributes are its ability to meet or exceed customer expectations consistently, its speed in responding to customers’ demands, and its anticipation of new customer needs. Intangible attributes are difficult for competitors to copy, thereby giving Danac Print World a competitive advantage.
Danac Print World provides a high-quality specialty advertising product customized to its clients’ needs. The value of this product and service is reflected in its premium price. Danac Print World should be sensitive to the price elasticity of its product and overall consumer demand.
Since 90 percent of Danac Print World customers reorder each year, the bulk of promotional expenditures should focus on new product offerings through direct-mail advertising and trade journals or specialty publications. Any remaining promotional dollars could be directed to personal selling (in the form of sales performance bonuses) of current and

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