David Fincher's Zodiac Killer

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I like killing people because it is so much fun It is more fun than killing wild game in the forrest because man is the most dangerous anamal of all To kill something gives me the most thrilling experence It is even better than getting your rocks off with a girl The best part of it is that when I die I will be reborn in paradice and all the I have killed will become my slaves I will not give you my name because you will try to slow down or stop my collecting of slaves for my afterlife (Dao 6) This is the exact deciphering of the Zodiac killer, one of the most notorious California killers in history. David Fincher’s Zodiac is a film about the notorious killer and a man’s mission on “figuring out” the biggest mystery in the case: who is the killer? …show more content…

Allen as the zodiac killer. The movie strongly suggests to the audience through “evidence” found that Allen is undoubtfully the killer. In reality “Allen's DNA was compared to DNA obtained from a confirmed Zodiac letter. There was no match. In 2003, due to Allen's alleged habit of having others lick his stamps and envelopes (he claimed the taste of glue made him sick), SFPD obtained a voluntary DNA sample from Don Cheney. The results were negative.” (Vogit) This is never displayed not even in the end credits which are supposed to get you up to date. Fincher and other commenters try to deny that the case was bias “[they] attempt to distance themselves from the source material by stating that the story was told through the eyes of the characters and was not an attempt at ’truth.’”(Butterfield) However after watching the film and seeing the factual accounts this movie clearly puts Arthur Lee Allen as the main suspect. All factual evidence is pretty much disregarded. The fact they don’t mention the DNA evidence at the end shows that this movie was trying to persuade you to believe its Arthur. This is also depicted in the scene of Arthur’s interview. Michael Butterfield explains in his