David Morrie Research Paper

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“As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on - in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here” (Albom 174). Morrie believes that love means immortality. Even if a person’s physical body is gone, if people can remember the love he/she gave them, they will feel it, and he/she will still be here in the form of that love. That person will live on in their hearts and memories. Morrie teaches people to give others as much love as they can when they are here: they will feel good at the time, and others will remember it long after they are gone. Morrie, in his …show more content…

As it regards forgiving yourself, I think that it could be something easier but at the same time harder than forgiving others: it could be easier, because people probably know that some reasons why they did what they did exist, and they don’t need to find the right way to explain this reasons to anyone else, or to understand this reasons said from someone else: they just know them; it could be harder, because their guilt wears off from the inside and they do not even have themselves to comfort them. However, I totally agree with what Morrie said about regrets: I think that focusing on what people should have done, what people could have done and feeling guilt does not change what happened; getting stuck on the regrets of what should have happened just keep them from moving forward in positive and productive way. Unfortunately, even if I am absolutely convinced of this, I still cannot forgive myself for something that happened last year to one of my best friends: it was 1.30 am on the day of my birthday, and I received a phone call from her sister, she was crying and she told me that his brother had just had an accident: he had lost the control of his scooter and he had fallen on the floor in a

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