Dealing With Bullies Rhetorical Analysis

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Dealing With Bullies 3rd Rough Draft Essay Did you know that 75% of kids have said they were bullied or teased. Bullying can make kids feel scared, sick, lonely and sad. According to the text, bullies pick on kids who don't have a lot of self confidence and get frustrated easily. This means that bullies pick on kids who they think will give a big reaction and have little self confidence. I think Margot should have used these strategies so bullies would avoid her because she doesn't show any fear or give a big reaction.
I believe the strategies in the article dealing with bullies could have helped Margot because she could have ignored the bullies, walked away and gained or pretended to have more self confidence. This would show the bullies …show more content…

In the article it states that ¨bullies want a big reaction to their teasing and meanness. Acting like you don't care is like giving no reaction at all and this just might stop a bully's behavior. ¨This means that if you pretend you don't care than bullies will get bored of bullying you and move on to someone else, or stop. In this scenario where Margot read her poem and William said ¨aw you didn't write that¨ I think Margot should have ignored William so he would stop. I believe running away would have helped Margot. In the article it states¨Tell the bully No!Stop it! in a loud voice.Then walk away or run if you have to. ¨This means that a bully will stop if you don't do what they want you to do or let them bully you. In this scenario where William started bullying Margot and the class joined in, I think Margot should have run away so the children wouldn't be able to lock her in the closet. I think instead of pleading, being confident and laughing would have helped Margot.In the article it states”Pretend to feel really brave and confident. ¨This means you should pretend that you are feeling great and think that the situation is just a joke. In this scenario where the children carried Margot to the closet, I think Margot should pretend to feel confident and laugh so the bullies would think that nothing would work on her and they would