
Declaration Of Independence Essay

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The Declaration of Independence (Website for Declaration of Independence - week 3 and MindTap 4 – 4f), The Constitution of the United States (Website for The Constitution of the United States - week 4) and the Bill of Rights (Bill of Rights – week 4) were all things I think America got right. I believe the Declaration of Independence is where the union with the colonies began. The colonies decide enough was enough with British leadership decisions and unfair treatment with the Sugar Act (1764), the Currency Act (1764), The Stamp Act (1765), The Townshend Revenue Act (1767) and The Coercive Acts (1773-1774) (4-3a-4-3e, Chapter 4). It was finally time to separate and create the American government because the British were not looking out for the American colonies and their interests. The Declaration of Independences says, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to …show more content…

McClure mentions that we were most likely taught the civil war was caused by extremist in both North and South and that their fights became a war without reason (A. K. McClure – “The Lesson of Our Civil War”). One of my many questions was why this war happened and there had to be a compromise that could have stopped it. My understanding of this war that is was pushed because of anger and fighting. McClure informs the readers there is a side that was not taught about the Civil War and that is that most involved in the war never wanted it to come to a war. McClure goes on to say that this war was not because of slavery; however, it did have a great deal to do with it. Slavery seems to have become an issue after people stopped excepting it as something normal and expected. Some people stopped turning their heads to it to ignore it. People realized it was not okay to treat others as they did the slaves and

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