Persuasive Essay On The Declaration Of Independence

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The word equal means, “a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or equality.” Not many people notice, but to this day, nationwide, everyone is still not viewed equally. Should people not be accepted by society based off of their race, ethnicity, sex and other things? Many states in the US have yet to legalize same-sex marriage because of the negative effects that come along with it, however people are only thinking about themselves and not about how damaging it can be to disapprove of it. When the debate about same-sex marriage came about, controversy arose across the US. Homosexuality is viewed as “unacceptable” and “against religion”, while others believer everyone should be viewed the same. The Declaration of Independence …show more content…

The first word of same-sex marriage came about in 1970. Two men in Minnesota applied for a marriage license and were denied because the marriage wouldn’t be heterosexual. Six years later in Northwest Washington two men married, but were denied the blessing of the church. In 1987, eleven years later a homosexual couple became married in a church. The couple was from Washington D.C. In 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the DOMA (defense of marriage act), which defines marriage as a legal union between a woman and a man. Netherlands was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage on April 1, 2001. Soon enough, Massachusetts was the first US state to legalize homosexual marriage in 2008. Now in 2015, 35 states have legalized it while 15 states remain to keep same-sex marriage …show more content…

Homosexuals showing pda seems like the worst thing a person could do. This is a reason why some people are against same-sex marriage. “Gay marriage does not hurt heterosexuals” (Joshua Brown) which is extremely true. Not only does homosexual marriage not hurt people who are straight, but also truly has no way shape and form anything to do with heterosexuals. Denying same-sex marriage is almost like denying a white woman her right to marry someone who isn’t white. It’s very hard to believe that interracial marriage is accepted but gay marriage is not. If gay marriage is illegal, every type of marriage should be illegal except marriage between heterosexuals, same race and