Definition Essay About Family

555 Words3 Pages

Spencer Denning
Anne Fine
English 1010
7 October, 2015
Family is often defined as a group of people, often a father and mother with children, who share living quarters are related by blood. This boring definition lacks to share the beauty and journey of what family truly is. Family is so much more than a just a word. Family is a love story, and sometimes a horror story. Whether a family has it all together, or is being torn apart, it is worth it to appreciate what true community it is. Family is not just the people you live with; it is the people you do life with; the good, bad, and the ugly day in and day out. A normal family today looks very different than an average family fifty years ago. It may not be a “Brad and Angelina adopt a country family”, but everyone’s families today are made up of all sorts of people. Family does not always have to be blood related; yet for me, my blood connected family is whom I am closest to. My family has always been very close, and not cause we were forced to spend every waking minute with one another, but because we were each other’s best friends. There is no one on God’s green earth I would rather spend time with more than my parents and sisters. Despite this, immediate family is not always someone’s closest companions. Many people’s closest companions are friends, coworkers, and other …show more content…

This is not even close to true for the Denning family. We are nowhere near a perfect image of peace and happiness, yet I am thankful for this. A family rule is to never hide your problems. We were taught to face our problems head on and together as one. Family should always have each other’s back, no matter the opposition. Life often throws people through an unforgiving cycle of ups and downs, which can either make or break you. With a family, no matter the hardship, there is always someone to turn