Definition Essay About Friendship

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Because humans crave interactions with other humans, friendships are created for people to feel secure and supported but also for pure enjoyment. Being connected with a group of people gives one a sense of identity through finding one’s true identity in the midst of a crowd and being a part of something bigger. Friendships increase a person’s happiness and can even lowers certain health risks (Connection). With all this said, what is a friendship and what characteristics or qualities define one is an important question to ask. Because there is such a wide range of friendships, it is impossible to define it in a single sentence. Though definitions depend on multiple factors, common traits of friendship include an overwhelming sense of loyalty and trust. Multiple example groups must be classified, analyzed, and described to be able to accurately define friendship. Because friendship is so diverse, there is multiple ways it can be portrayed depending on the people involved. Although each sect shares some of the same characteristics, each has a unique way to keep the people involved interested and …show more content…

Family will never leave and will always be there for you. Sibling relations result in the purest form of friendship; always having each other’s back but also telling it how it is and not sugar coating anything. Family can be the first ones to judge while also being the most supportive. Fights can occur and even tear a family apart but somehow, the group can always find a way back together. A family friendship is unlike any other because it is unbreakable. Family isn’t picked like regular friend and can’t be dropped. It’s forever, no matter how one feels toward another. Family friendship is always having being someone to fall back on, even if it means watching stupid mistakes happen. The undeniable love that comes from siblings is irreplaceable and no amount of hand chosen friends can change