
Definition Essay Beauty

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What makes a person beautiful? Is it way they dress, talk, their outer appearance, how they act, or how they carry themselves? The ways in which a person regards the definition of beauty are different, but the way in which we identity the type of beauty they value more is placed into two categories: outer or inner beauty. There is the simple fact that whether you appreciate one over the other everyone has at one point judged or have been judged for their outer appearance. That could have started from birth with the simple sentence being, “Oh my gosh, he/she is so beautiful,” to later on in life when you start to hit puberty and develop your first relationship. You being to become self-conscious about how you are perceived by others and want …show more content…

Like a fashion trend, if one thing goes out of style and something better takes its place you are automatically draw to the new things because you feel everyone else loves it too. What could be considered as beautiful now maybe isn’t has appealing as it was before. A trend that has been going on for a while now is having exaggerated curves, a face with makeup that makes you look stunning, and having long hair to go with it. At points having certain skin colors and also come into play when determining a person’s outer beauty. Now, that isn’t to say the times aren’t changing and that people are not embracing their …show more content…

Just having someone that has a pleasing appearance is all that is needed. The fact of the matter is many people that have low self-esteem because of what is portrayed as beautiful and the thought that outer beauty is more important than having wonderful personality. When asked the question which is more important, outer or inner beauty? Of course, many would say inner beauty holds a higher place, because everyone wants to be seen as a good person, but the truth of the matter is that outer beauty is the main focus for

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