Definition Essay Fear

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I have fears. You have fears. We all have fears. Nobody is perfect and each and every one of us are flawed. And that’s okay! What’s not okay is letting these fears and flaws prevent us from doing what we love or becoming the person we want to be. For some fear may be darkness or heights and for others it may be failure or being unsuccessful. All these fears have something in common, if we don’t do anything about them they will control us.
Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and energized muscles. There are two types of fears. External fear is something that we try to avoid such as clowns, spiders ect. Internal fear is basically …show more content…

As teenagers we are being put under various pressures by peers, teachers and parents. Marks can bring anxiety and pressures for perfection that are hard to always meet. We are so worried about our marks and whether we will get into university when in fact marks are not all they look for. They also look for leadership skills, what you took part in at school such as sports you did and cultural activities you took place in and whether you have a balanced lifestyle. Here at Crawford College Lonehill, because it is such an academic focused school, the pressure we are put under is tremendous. The standards are so high that they cannot always be met. Many of us do not get to have the balanced lifestyle that we could hope for as we have so much work to do in order for us to meet these high standards. For those of you who do sports or cultural activities, we spend long hours finishing our tasks after we get home, which can sometimes be around seven o’clock. As a student at Crawford, the huge completion between fellow students puts a huge amount of pressure on us. We all aim to be the best and are often hit with the reality that there can only be one winner. Perfectionism is a huge philosophe that we each try to live by and we do not accept failure. As Zig Ziglar once said, “Failure is an event not a