Definition Essay On Beauty

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There are billions of different definitions of beauty, as everyone has their own. Merriam-Webster defines beauty as, “the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit” (Webster Dictionary). This definition does not even begin to explain this complex word, which should not have such a simple interpretation. Not only is it simple, but also not a well rounded explanation. This powerful word has accomplished powerful feats, not always good. Although the word beauty is a positive word, it has destroyed people, just as any word can if used in a negative way. Another beauty has been one which many disagree upon, the physical beauty. When a person looks at someone and feels attraction to the way that they look, then they associate this with what beauty means. Beauty often includes …show more content…

This is how someone sees oneself and their self love. If someone looks in the mirror and accepts everything about them as beautiful, then they will not count on others to bring them happiness. Only the purest of minds that have not fallen for the perception of beauty in our society are able to look at their physical body and mind and be happy. So many people struggle with confidence because of the narrowing effect of the media that shows a very specific, unrealistic beautiful woman or man. Society has also created a facade that money and materialistic items are considered beautiful, the amount of money that a person has can equal their beauty to someone. If a person wears Gucci, Prada, or Versace they may catch a materialistic person’s eye automatically because of the items that they can afford. Some care more about what someone can buy than the actual person and their personality, or even how they look. This can lead to many problems if a relationship is based on somebody liking another because of the amount of money they

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