
Definition Essay On Happiness

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Since our earliest memories, we have been taught that happiness is what we as humans aim to achieve. Yet, what does it entail to achieve “happiness”? As a child, getting the brand new Barbie was my way to achieve happiness. If only it stayed so simple. As one ages, the definition of happiness changes completely. Happiness cannot be attained simply by just gaining one item, such as a Barbie doll; happiness is an accumulation of the way one regards one’s self and the world around them. That does not mean that one’s life has to be perfect to be happy, it just means that they can look through the imperfections and still feel content about their life. Outlooks on more emotional factors, such as dealing with conflict, can contribute to the achievement of happiness, as well as more materialistic factors such as finance, and occupation. Ultimately, happiness is achieved by a person’s ability to make the best in their situations, even when there are flaws. …show more content…

They can range from conflicts about relationships to even conflicts about one’s self. Nonetheless, happiness isn’t about the conflict itself, it's about how individuals cope with conflict when one is encountered. According to the U.S News, those with flexible cope mechanisms tend to respond better to adversity, which leads to the faster acquirement of positive emotions. In addition, people who face and acknowledge their problems tend to be happier than those who avoid them (Saslow, 2009). In conclusion, those who respond to conflict and make the best of it tend to achieve the state of happiness

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