
Definition Essay On Heroism

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Heroism Heroism is not something that is learned, it is something that people have. Some people will freeze in the face of danger, but if a person has heroism that person will rise and fight; no matter how big or how small a hero will fight for others, and will protect everyone. Merriam Webster says that heroism is defined as great act of bravery, and a person who will run into a burning building to save someone or facing danger in battle. Another definition of heroism is self sacrifice, putting others before you need to be brave you need courage. Heroism is like throwing yourself into a battle or self sacrifice, not a lot of people have this trait do you. My mom, she has a trait of heroism she has self sacrifice she had to move and lead all of our friends and family she works 2 jobs to support our family one of the other reasons she moved was that I can have a better life and a nice home.My mom in my eyes, she is my hero. …show more content…

Telemakes he had to go out and find his dad even though thayer home was overrun with suitors .In the end Telemachus found his

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