
Hero Definition Essay

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“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” (Christopher Reeve). Heroes are found everywhere in society. Each attribute is extremely important in the definition of a hero, but what are these characteristics? Heroism means being passionate, intelligent, tenacious, and making good decisions that will benefit the greater good.

Passion is found in few but very memorable heroes. Passion defines a hero because without it, heroes wouldn’t have the will to keep fighting no matter what the case is. An example of great passion found in one is Abraham Lincoln. Even in the toughest of times, he still fought with great will to free over three million slaves in America. Without Lincoln’s considerable passion, America would be dramatically different, he changed the world. Dedication is only found in true heroes.

The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills is an example of a trait found in heroes. Firefighters use their knowledge to save individuals in need, they are heroes in aspects people don’t recognize. Philip Randolph was a civil rights activist in the same time period as Martin Luther King Jr.. He was the brains behind the movements and protests. Randolph may not be known in society but he shows true heroism …show more content…

To be strong and retentive is urgently important in a hero's position. There are many heroes that we can identify today but few won’t stop until they receive justness. An example of a tenacious hero is Hector from Black Ships before Troy. Being strong and willing is a trait that Hector holds. This is important to have in a hero because without being tenacious, he could not lead and fight along with his army. Hector’s forceful personality makes him a hero because he is willing to fight despite the chances of him losing his life. He inspires people to be as strong as he is, therefore making more heroes in

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