
Heroes In The Fox And The Hound By Maya Angelou

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What is a hero some may ask? According to Maya Angelou, “A hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people.” I agree with this definition of a hero because a hero truly wants to do something better for all people. They don’t just think of themselves, they are selfless and do something for the greater good. Therefore, I believe a hero is someone who does something for the greater good not for themselves. A hero can be almost anything and anyone can be one. We need heroes in this world because without them we would have no one to stand up and make a difference for the better. Heroes do many things for us but they mainly do something to make a difference to make others happy. Some of the most important traits of a hero are selfless, brave, smart, and strong (mentally and physically). Therefore, we need heroes in this world for many reasons. A hero is not selfish or rude. A hero should not do something for themselves they always …show more content…

For example, the lady in “The Fox and the Hound” took Todd in and raised him as her fox even though her neighbor hated Todd. Some other examples would be my Spanish teacher Mrs. Maske, and Odysseus in the Odyssey. The lady in “The Fox and the Hound” fits my example of a hero because even though Todd messed up by scaring the cow and chickens the lady knew Todd needed a mother. My Spanish teacher Mrs. Maske fits it because she does whatever she can to make us happy and truly wants the best for us. As she said in our interview she said, “…I’m not always the most negative person…and inspire instead of having someone down.” This quote tells me that she tries to inspire instead of having us be down. Odysseus fits my example of a hero because when they ran into the Cyclops he wanted all of his men to survive with him and he came up with ideas for them all to make it out safe. Therefore, a hero is selfless and puts other people before

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