Definition Essay On Overfishing

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Before describing the point which is overfishing, the question is “what is the definition of the word overfishing?” According to the word definition on a website, overfishing can be defined in many ways. The one simple point is catching so much that could to lead to the unbalance food chain system. Overfishing has been a world problem for centuries since in the past. However, there has to be made usable sustainable solutions. The point to end overfishing is the institution of aquaculture, cultivating of fish or fish farming. Increasing fish like a crowd or a horde but in the ocean, there will be so many complexities and terrible effects which affects the environment. Aquaculture should not be considered as a solution of overfishing because of its uncertainly risky result. In additional, super breeding or over cultivating could weaken the species into a lack of genetic strength.
Aquaculture system seems to fit the idea for developing Asian economies. Seafood consumption was 40 million tons in 1970 and 86 million tons in 1998. It grew a new demand for salmon, shrimp, and other seafood especially sushi. Many Asian countries began trying aquaculture .Fish farming provides jobs for local people and income for the area, so it is considered to be significantly important for those who live along a shore. The aquaculture industry is still growing. Now, about 30% of all fish consumed comes from fish farms (White, 2004).Sadly, as we know that all things around the world does not have just bright side. A major …show more content…

Species in the fish farms are sometime stronger and faster swimmers than the native species. This farmed species may outcompete native species causing the extinction of those species. If these farmed species can outswim the predators of the natural species. Then those predators may go extinct. In short, fish farming upsets the balance of ecological communities in a multitude of