The Globalization Of Overfish In Japan And North Korea

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For thousands of years, fishing has played a large role in many different culture’s diets. Japan and North Korea both rely heavily on seafood and the nutrients it gives them, along with many other countries. In the 1990’s, seafood blew up and many individuals began buying more and more seafood products. From then on, the population of fish in the ocean has declines each year, but has still remained a favorite to the vast majority. People all around the world adore seafood and there are many different dishes that are considered delicacies to a variety of cultures. However, with the population of fish at an all time low, resources are becoming more scarce each year. If it continues at the rate it is going right now, fish populations will hit a low that would be near impossible to recover from. Stricter laws should be passed in order to keep all fishsince at sustainable levels. Bottom trawling is an extremely popular way to catch fish since it results in catching an abundance of fish with very little effort. Bottom …show more content…

“Murawski said it's more than a dramatic benchmark—it also signals the coming of increasingly healthy stocks...” (Overfishing is Over). A retired scientist comments on how since many species of fish have been deemed sustainable again, overfishing is not an issue that needs to be focused on anymore. However, there are many fish that are still at extremely low levels and are at risk for endangerment, like yellow-finned tuna. The fishing of unsustainable species is still a problem due to the fact that if they keep getting overfished, fish could stoop to a low point, potentially leading to endangerement; and, if commercial fishers continue to use methods that cause bycatch to occur, some species may even go extinct. Overfishing is far from not being an issue and companies must still be careful to keep fish above sustainable

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