Definition Essay On Poverty

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According to the Merriam - Webster, Poverty is defined as; the state of who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. Another definition for Poverty is; the state of being extremely poor. And being poor is defined as; worse than is usual, expected, or desirable; of a low inferior standard or quality. Poverty isn’t just a problem in Africa (like wwhat is mainly thought of when people hear the word poverty), it’s a world- wide problem that millions of people struggle to overcome. I chose to write about poverty because it’s so global that nearly every country has some type of poverty. I also chose to write about poverty because I see people living in poverty almost everyday on the streets, and I really, really …show more content…

I want to help those people out in someway or another. I believe that the problem of poverty needs to be fixed because poverty leads to so many sicknesses and diseases. Poverty also causes many people to go hungry, not to go to school. According to Barbara Lee, “ When people live in extreme poverty the whole world suffers. Extreme poverty endangers global public health, prevents children from going to school, and spreads hopelessness and despair. We all have an obligation to combat it. As a member of Congress, I know that ending global poverty is a challenge that every nation needs to meet.” Barbara also said, “ When so many families still live in extreme poverty and chronic hunger, when so many mothers still die from childbirth, when so many children still die from preventable diseases- that is a moral outrage. It is profound injustice. We have come together, as one world, to realize the change that we seek.” I really agreed with what Barbara said because, people infected with certain diseases, which can be cured by some medical treatments, but they aren’t getting it because they can’t afford is really …show more content…

Poverty didn’t just show up one day in the world and all of a sudden started growing and growing. The start of poverty has has to be caused by something. That something is caled, the government. This mainly affects the developing countries. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are a big contributor to why countries are in poverty. The IMF is secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. Based upon my reading and findings, my personal opinion is that the IMF is in favor of the wealthier countries and really don’t strive to try to help the developing countries. The IMF has been heavily criticized over its policies. One thing that I found absurd in the article is that the IMF and the World Bank DEMANDED that the poor countries lower their standard of living. That means that they have to cutback on health care, social services and education, in oreder to satisfy their needs. Also, poor countries have to export more in order to pay off debt. One big thing that I never thought of was what the IMF is causing. Resources from the poorer regions become even more

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