Poverty In America Essay

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Many problems can be seen throughout society in any part of the world, but one problem is seen over and over again. This recurring problem is poverty. Though it is everywhere America has the smallest amount. Because this amount is so small it is easy to ignore people around the world in true poverty with no escape. Poverty can be seen in three main aspects, poverty of power, poverty of access and poverty of money. One aspect of poverty that many do not consider is poverty of power. Seeing as America is a country of equality everyone here has the right to vote. But what if the poor were kept out of voting simply because they were poor? In many third world countries that is exactly how it is ran. The only people that have a say in what happens …show more content…

People who are living in urban poverty have little to no access to running water, power or shelter. Many of these people decide to illegally live in abandoned buildings. Because it is illegal and the fear of being thrown out is constantly there, they do little or nothing to make their living arrangements better. Also, since where they live is not an area for market, they often times have to pay much higher prices for what they need. This form of poverty is seen throughout America as well as anywhere else you could go. Why is it so easy to ignore those people living in the streets, under bridges or in parks? As days go by people get accustomed to seeing these people. But it does not have to be, nor should it be this way. Whereas there are numerous shelters here for the homeless to stay at overnight, what about those countries where they simply have tin or metal over their heads? Or maybe nothing at all. And here there is nowhere near the amount of shelters as is needed. How hard is it to help give resources to building these shelters? In a land that has plenty it should not be hard at all. But again, these problems are so much easier to overlook. Easier to make excuses then to