Exemplification Essay: Poverty In The United States

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Did you know, that approximately eighty percent of humanity live on less than ten dollars a day and more than 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty? When one introduces the topic “Poverty”, many believe that it is someone who lives under a bridge with their belongings in a shopping cart. Google defines poverty as “the state of being extremely poor” or “the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor.” Poverty is an ongoing issue that politicians have tried to slow down the rate however, never fully eliminated it. Existing in a situation like poverty, consists of lack of access to water, education, money, health care, and any other personal needs a human being may need. Poverty is commonly caused by powerlessness, vulnerability and ignorance or human beings.
Powerlessness, vulnerability and ignorance of people are three main aspects that …show more content…

When an issue like such occurs in one's life, an individual may start to feel powerless and lose control over their own body, as they do not have any say in whether or not this problem can affect their daily lives. People who are living in poverty have no influence or power, which they are overburden by the state and must accept any decision the country makes. An individual undergoing poverty, may convey the impression that they feel less protected, and hopeless in their country, as they have no access to health care or educational facilities. Poverty also tends to affect the rich of the country because they tend to over rule the poor, so many poor people depend on the rich to provide them with their basic needs, as they have access to facilities. Vulnerability is also another contribution to poverty because it makes the poor individuals more open to emergencies which provides

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