Poverty In The United States Essay

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Poverty in the United States is an ongoing issue that affects a students level of achievement in school. There are many places where people put the blame for this economic problem.There are those that would blame the school system , but on the other hand there are those that would place the blame for poverty on economic policies or families themselves. In order to help a student in today’s classroom the gap between the have and have nots needs to be addressed. There are several ways to do this in order to give every student an equal learning opportunity.
In order for a student to achieve their highest potential in school, the following concepts should be implimented by today’s educator. Educators should be encouraged to place the following …show more content…

Teachers can then start to make the changes that are needed . Making assignments that need technolgy, in class assignments, for those that do not have internet or computers at home will eliminate the amount of work not being completed. Teach students about the things that they can relate too as well as problems that affect the poor, or how to make the world more equal between the haves and have nots. This help to engage them and inform them about classism. Parents are part of barrier with the war on …show more content…

He never did learn how to read, write or get his drivers license. He died at the age of sixty-five and nothing had changed for him , he died poor and illieterate. My mother went to school until the end of her freshman year, she has struggled for many years until fortune smiled on her in some strange ways. She is extremely smart and is a CNA and at the age of eighty still works. She always told me after school that I needed to get a job and work and save. This is how poverty is passed down from generation to generation in “The Cycle of Socialization.” Moving away from Missouri exposed me to a variety of people and new ways of thinking. It is with this that I discovered “The Cycle of Liberation,” even though I had no idea that is what I was doing or that , that is what it was

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