Definition Essay: What Are The Different Types Of Stress?

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Many people usually use the simple word stress when they start to feel that they have too much work or have to meet a certain deadline and when they have too much to do. Most people feel like they can’t finish the work. They feel like there is no stopping or finish line to the certain thing they are doing. Not all stress is bad, there is also a good type of stress that we live around with and sometimes we don’t even know it. The good type of stress always gets you going, and it motivate you to finish what you have to accomplish for example if you have a goal you will finish it with no negative thought. Either way we always go through some type of stress even if it’s good or bad. We live with it all around us, our life would pretty much be pointless and boring if we didn’t have some type of stress. I mean what is life without accomplishing a goal you have set. It’s nothing. Whenever stress …show more content…

There is no way out to stress just see it as something natural that has to happen to us. Some of the result you will get will not always be what you want them to be it could either be good or bad. You really never know what will happen until that day comes to you. Either you pass or fail. The types of stress there are, are either good or bad. There is no in between. If you have a negative thought and always complain how much work you have and how you know you are not going to finish will most likely give you a negative result. If you are always positive, have a great attitude then you result will be positive. Not many people know how to handle stress, and it’s always a good thing to learn about these things. Believe it or not stress can effect anybody in many types of ways. Some ways can really hurt our human body, some people just become depressed for no reason, some people even think about hurting themselves. My research was to inform you what stress really is, why stress is important, and what types of stress there

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