
Definition Essay: What Makes A Hero

553 Words3 Pages

Andy Nguyen

Mrs. West

World Lit. H

20 September 2017

What Makes a Hero
What makes a hero? The dictionary definition of a hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding acts, or noble qualities, but I believe that a hero is so much more than this. While some people may label everyone a hero, my opinion is much different.
Today, people constantly toss around the word hero causing its definition to become broader everyday. What was once a role-model or superstar is now considered a hero. This dwindles the greatness of the word and causes people to be considered heroes when they are only a role-model or they have only done a courageous or kind act. Although these could be great people, I do not consider them true heroes. …show more content…

A hero is anyone who fights for a greater purpose other than their own lives or satisfaction. In other words, heroes fight for the greater good and for what they believe is right. The choices they make benefit others rather than themselves, and sometimes these decisions can be tough. This leads to sacrifices that must be made by the hero.
Secondly, heroes must be willing to make personal sacrifices when it is necessary. By surrendering something personal, heroes truly prove that they strive for the well-being of others. However, evidence is not needed since a hero will do what is right without regard of rewards nor fame, and If it is absolutely required, the ultimate sacrifice must be made: offering their life.
In addition, I would like to add that there is no greater deed than sacrificing one’s life to protect others. This final heroic act shows that true heroes put others before themselves, and one of their primary goals is to protect. An example of this self sacrifice was when Arland Williams gave up his life to save passengers on Air Florida Flight 90 which crashed into a frozen lake. When a rescue helicopter arrived, Arland Williams continued to help others onto the helicopter rather than getting on himself. Certainly I am not trying to say that the only heroes are those who gave their lives to protect others. Simply putting your life

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