Definition Essay About Freedom

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Freedom. You hear about it everywhere. On the news, blaring off of the tv, and in ordinary people’s conversations. With all this constant discussion and argument, you may think how free even are we and what even is freedom? Looking deeper into it, you can definitely see that while everyone has at least a smidgen of freedom, which can vary in amount, absolutely no one can ever be one hundred percent free. Freedom is a exquisitely diverse topic. For instance, one person could suppose that the world is truly free now, as it’s much better than it was 1,000 years ago. However, there some like me who suppose that though it is better, there are still plenty of issues in how freedom works. Despite the more equal life women achieved, sexism is still …show more content…

You can find it anywhere on the news, a new cyberbullying incident has occurred, or perhaps a group of people created a hate page for someone. Social media is just constantly pushing negative points about either certain things or are telling the world what a person needs to be in order to be “cool” or “nice.” These things make people feel like they have to act or be a certain way, which I feel makes people hide themselves or not be who they really are. For example, just a few months ago gay marriage was illegal, but straight marriage was perfectly fine. For some odd reason, a lot of people who may be or act a certain way aren’t able to do certain things. Being yourself often cuts out what you can do in your life, job wise and just normal everyday things. Because these people were what they are, they couldn’t marry, unlike every other “normal” person out there. Judgement creates fear. Fear eventually causes a disruption in society, making people hide what they really are, which I see as a form of restraint. Fear acts as a cage, where everyone inside it is trapped and everyone out has the risk of being caught in it. Though there is no way it could be fixed, I still think that it’s effects could be softened and the world would run