Definition Of Being An American Essay

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An American can be defined as many things. Everyone has their opinion on what the word can be described as. So, what defines an American? Yes an American is a native or citizen of the United States but, there is more to an American that just being a citizen. There comes devotion, where success strives by the hard work, and the mixture of all kinds of people coming together. Of course there are a lot of other meanings to be an American but those are the most important in some people’s opinion. People from outside our country have dreams to come to America and be something great by thinking big on how life will be. Anzia Yezierska, a novelist born in Poland, wrote a short story called “America and I”, it’s about her heart following the land of hope and freedom. She continued to speak on how she believed things would just be handed to her but that was not the case. To be an American you have to work hard. Working hard is the main thing for everyone to get what they need in life. Nothing is ever handed to you and nothing is easy to accomplish. Facing obstacles is the main things for Americans …show more content…

This fits perfectly in the category of being an American because we have those who really value their country and what it brought for them. A very horrific and sad story that was written by John Sidney McCain III, a United States senator, “Veterans Day: Never Forget Their Duty,” describes a prisoner who got beat for pledging to his flag he made himself. The courage he had tops every other characteristic of being an American. Fighting for your country even though other people don’t let you and taunt and beat you is a sign of great honor for things you believe in. In the story he goes on with saying, “...discovered Mike’s shirt with the flag sewn inside and removed it.” Once he came back from the beating he sewed it again and that shows huge sacrifice for his life to pledge something meaningful to him. This is what an American is