Bilingualism In Canada Essay

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Quebec have been promoting bilingualism, and trying to use both language French and English in the province. The definition of “bilingual” is vague. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2010), bilingual is a person who can speak two languages equally well. This does not make clear how much you need to speak to be a bilingual. It has no specific borderline. In addition, according to Franson (2009), defining bilingualism is problematic since individuals with varying bilingual characteristics may be classified as bilingual. Even if people can talk with a native speaker in English fluently in their daily lives, there are some people who cannot speak about specific topics. For example, politics or economics.
While the meaning of “bilingual” …show more content…

People speak English in most of Canada. However, French is spoken in Quebec as a first language. This is because, according to Claude (2004), Quebec was a colony of France since Jacques Cartier, the envoy of the king of France landed for the first time in 1534. After that, in 1763, Quebec was governed by the United Kingdom because of the Paris treaty. Even now it passed about 200 years, Canada has a two language aspects. There are some reasons why English and French came to share the same country. According to Beausejour (2011), First of all, it is important to know that the victory of the English on the Plains of Abraham in 1759 certainly changed the future of the province of Quebec. The coexistence of French and English began with the conquest of Nouvelle-France by the English in this battle. Until France officially ceded the territory to the Britain with the treaty of Paris in 1763, this territory was known as "Nouvelle-France". According to Massicotte (2012), Nouvelle-France existed when imperialism was at its best, prior to the French revolution. Massicotte (2012) also explains that "in the 18th century, a period when monarchs exchanged territories like commodities, nations defined themselves by religion and common allegiance to a sovereign - not by the language of their inhabitants. It is revealing that in the capitulation treaties of Quebec and Montréal and the Treaty of Paris, not a single word was mentioned