Delmar And Arizona Compare And Contrast

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Maryland to Arizona a five day nearly two thousand five hundred mile drive. When you move across the country from the only place you’ve ever known there are a lot of differences. When you move from a very small town to a much larger town it’s a complete culture shock. There are many differences between Delmar, Maryland and Apache Junction, Arizona. First of all a major difference between Delmar and Apache Junction is the weather. The location has a big impact on the different weathers since these places are on different sides of the country. The average winter temperature in Delmar, Maryland is roughly 34 degrees Fahrenheit; However in Apache Junction the average winter temperature is much high at 67 degrees Fahrenheit. The winters also differ because in Delmar it snows often and in Apache Junction the likely hood of snow is very slim. Another example of how different the weathers are is the summer temperatures. On average in …show more content…

In Delmar, Maryland three is only one elementary school. The only school is the entire town is that one elementary school. When a student reaches the fifth grade they are moved to a school in Delmar, Delaware which is for graves fifth thru 12th. However in Apache Junction there are multiple elementary schools and at a time there were two middle schools. Another thing that differs between the schools is how the schools are setup. Delmar Elementary School has two programs for a parent to choice from. The two programs are year-round schooling and traditional schooling. Year-round schooling is when a student attends school for nine weeks and then there is a three week break in between each quarter. The elementary schools in Apache Junction are all traditional school, which is schooling for eight-teen weeks and then a winter break and then another eight-teen week period with a fall break and a spring break in between. The schools between these two towns are very