Demon Possession And Demonic Influence In The Bible

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The issue of trying to understand demons and demon possession and demonic influence has been one of fairly great difficulty for many people. The Bible makes it very clear that there is such a thing as demon possession and it is never beneficial for the person who is possessed. Konya points out that it is actually the state of being indwelt by at least one demon and that demon is almost, if not entirely, in control of the individual possessed. This state results in intense physical and mental pain and agony for the victim. The Bible does not really give us very detailed information about how people come to be demon possessed but Konya says that it does give some evidence that initial possession could have something to do with idolatry and occultic activity.
During the time while Jesus was on the earth many people were liberated from demon possession and healed from their oppression. However, many people deny that Jesus ever performed the miracle of casting out demons. In order to do so though they must actually deny that the Bible is inerrant and they must say that Jesus was a liar. For, the Bible explicitly states that Jesus cast out demons and it records Jesus rebuking the demons. The Bible also records instances of the Apostles casting out demons and in at least one instance the fact …show more content…

He suggests that the hyper-activity of the demons during the time of Christ on the earth could very well be due to the fact that Satan knew that he was about to be defeated and he was using all the power that he could muster to oppose the coming kingdom. This seems to me to be a very logical explanation for, it would seem reasonable that when the Son of God came to earth and invaded the Devil’s kingdom in person, the struggle would become more evident to the people around

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