Denigration Meaning: Used in both classic and cyberbullying, denigration is a term used to describe when cyberbullies send, post, or publish cruel rumours, gossip and untrue statements about a target child to intentionally damage their reputation or friendships Denigration is a classical and cyber bullying, and it is a term used to describe why bullies send, post or polish cruel rumours, gossips and non-true statements. They target most to child to intentionally damage their reputation or friendship. Also known as “dissing,” this cyber bullying method is a common element and layer involved in most all of the cyber bullying tactics listed. …show more content…
...Definition of trickery: when someone purposely tricks another person into sharing secrets, private information, or embarrassing information, and publishes that information online. Trickery is a tactic similar to the phishing in that a cyberbullying is a purposely tricks target child into divulging secrets, privet information and /or embracing information about the person and then publishes the information online. Trickery gain acts to child’s trust on the telling them there most privet and the information that they have n not told anyone. After the bullies post those information in an embarrassing way. The person pretends to be a close friend and confidant and gives the child a false sense of security before breaking his/her trust. Exclusion (excluding someone from a group online); Emotional