
Amanda Todd Research Paper

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Main Idea: The harsh reality is that bullying can affect someone’s life so much that they are willing to take it to escape it. Bullying is so prominent online as people can say or do anything and while being anonymous to others. Bullying can also occur to people who don’t necessarily deserve it.


Amanda Todd took her own life on October 10th, 2012 in her home Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada after months of being bullied and tormented.

Amanda was bullied online, at school, and basically wherever she went.

As it said in the article “Her reputation was ruined, she had no friends, she was beaten up by some classmates, she tried drinking bleach but was saved at the last minute. Months later, Amanda Todd took her own life”.
“The hate campaign continued online after Amanda Todd took her own life, people ridiculed her suicide and made fun of the entire story, they even said she deserved what had happened to her”.
Amanda was bullied and ridiculed by her own friends, her classmates, and people online who she didn't even know …show more content…

Cyber bullying is such a cowardly, but effective way to bully and ridicule someone. The reason for that is anyone can do or say whatever they want online and hide behind a computer or pone screen. What people cant see is the effects and emotions people feel about what you say about them. The most dangerous part about cyber bullying is how fast it can spread. Someone can write something negative about and it might not be true, but when hundreds of people see it, there are going to be a overwhelming amount of people who do believe and just spread it on like a virus. Unfortunately Amanda Todd took full effects of this and couldn't handle it anymore. This just goes to show the severity of cyber

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