Using A Positive Behavior Intervention And Support Framework By Troy Lawrence

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On average about 80% of all high school students reported being bullied in some way online (Lawrence 86). This and some other interesting facts can all be read about in the journal article, Bullying in Secondary Schools: Action Planning Using a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Framework by Troy Lawrence. Just in these last couple months, we’ve had multiple suicide attempts and a couple of successful ones around my area. This topic needs to taken more seriously in schools and at home because more and more people are willing to take their own life because of a school bullying. In hopes of learning more by reading this article, I was disappointed to find there was a lot of information missing. In the article he did a well job of explaining how a positive behavior is necessary in schools within the students but also the staff, but it needs to allow more information about how the teachers can do more, and statistics with graphs on how school bullying can result to self harm or harm to others.
To summarize the article written by Troy Lawrence in a short paragraph, he wrote about bullying in secondary schools. He mentioned the negative behavior student’s display at school, how Internet plays a big roll in bullying now, school wide …show more content…

In the article (Lawrence 86) it tells about how they should teach social skills, report bullying when seen, show empathy towards all students, and consult with school administration. Within each of those sections the author should have went in to elaborate detail but chose not to which left for a weak article. People that have read this article or plan on it will be very uninformed about what teachers could really be doing in the classroom. The teachers hear and see a lot of what goes on so they know when someone is getting harassed. They need to be trained on knowing how to assist the situation and know when to tell the