Cyber Bullying: Annotated Bibliography

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BULLY BREAKDOWN All About BULLYING Darryl L. Flannigan BULLY BREAKDOWN All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2014 Darryl L. Flannigan All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Booktango books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting: Booktango 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 877.445.8822 ISBN: XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X (ebook) BULLY BREAKDOWN BULLY BREAKDOWN Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1: Who's a BULLY Chapter …show more content…

Yes, hiding behind a keyboard. Parent's should always know what your child is experiencing on the Internet, there are a number of issues that can occur using the Phone, Tablet, or Computer. My advise is to check behind your child's usage. In case your child delete sites that they go to, so you won't catch them in bad behavior. You can always go to settings, to set up where your child can go, and you can look into what they call cookies to see where your child has went on-line. This action is some what spying, however depending on the age of your child, kids tend to do what kids do. Especially teenagers, I know some of y'all are thinking, "my child would not do such a thing" I would say, depending on the age, kids are always developing and changing. What they wont do at 12 they will do at 14 years of age. Children need to have goals and dreams to keep them on a path of achieving. Read my e-Book "Top 12 Things to Motivate your Child to go to College". Seriously it is better to be safe and monitor your child's actions, when it comes to the Internet. Bullying can come from someone hiding behind a false identify, or it can be in your face bold and confrontational. The boldness comes from when people think they can hide behind their keyboard feeling as thou they can say what they want, with a thought that nothing will happen to them. Often bullies hide behind false identities, or other methods to prey on their victims, that type of bullying is very prevalent in social media. Beware of the dangers that is available on-line. Take actions when you feel that something is not