What Content You Plan To Share On The Slide And In Your Script

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1. Title Slide: Create your title and describe what content you plan to share on the slide and in your script? You may include descriptions of visuals or other elements as needed.

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Title: Bullying

Welcome to my presentation plan about Bullying.

.:2. Slide 1: Title this slide and describe what content you plan to share on the slide and in your script? You may include descriptions of visuals or other elements as needed.

--Answer below:

Title: Whar cause it?

What cause the bullies to bully victims?

Bullies may or may not have bad past that results from them to become a mean bully. If not have anything bad past, it is very possibly that bullies raise differently that could become mean as well. Its all depends …show more content…

Slide 3: Title this slide and describe what content you plan to share on the slide and in your script? You may include descriptions of visuals or other elements as needed.

--Answer below:

Title: How to stop bullying

How to stop the bullying is that victims should talk to adults or someone they trust. Could be a close friend, family members, or even counselor.

Best to stand up for yourself and no take any lies and hurtful things from bullies and just walk away. Don’t start a fight. Just walk away.

Get evidence to proof that bullies did or said something online. Even offline when there’s icky mean name-calling on papers or missing a few stuff or something they did to you.

Don’t be afraid, because bullies are just humans just like you. They are just mean human and you are just nice human.

.:5. Slide 4: Title this slide and describe what content you plan to share on the slide and in your script? You may include descriptions of visuals or other elements as needed.

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Title: If victims don't get help...

If victims don’t get help, they will be the target for very long time by …show more content…

Slide 5: Title this slide and describe what content you plan to share on the slide and in your script? You may include descriptions of visuals or other elements as needed.

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Title: Results from bullying...

I was one of the victims of bullying and as for results from them... they are the part of the reason that I have PTSD.

.:7. Slide 6: Title this slide and describe what content you plan to share on the slide and in your script? You may include descriptions of visuals or other elements as needed.

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Title: I want bullies to stop!

Bullies don’t think about how it could make a victim’s life and future to be destroy! Victims could be amazing writer or outgoing person that people love to be around or the best smartest person in the world or even wonderful famous.
However, bullies don’t think about their actions. Its very wrong and victims don’t deserves it!

If bullies feel like the victims deserve it, then they should talk to the victims and things would go better than having violent as