Denver Young Life Essay

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There are approximately 280 clubs or organizations on the Auraria campus. They range from recreational clubs like the Auraria Campus Anime Club, a Japanese culture and animation organization, to more serious matters like the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a campus club that aims to advance the careers and minds of technology-related students. But there is another category that is ubiquitous to all campuses, and one that no modern campus would be complete without: faith-based organizations. While browsing the list of faith-based clubs on the campus, three names stuck out as having a large presence: InterVarsity, Denver Young Life, and Reality Campus Ministry. All three maintain the same relative goal and all three look to further their purpose of spreading the word of God. Religion and its effect on people and the community at large have been debated for centuries ad nauseam, but for now let’s look at how these clubs interact and develop those within their membership and those on campus around them. …show more content…

Specifically at MSU it’s a club called Young Life Beyond which focuses more on college aged students. Once a year they hold a summer camp where adults and kids participate in activities centered on sharing the word of God. While pouring over the resources about Denver Young Life, one thing in particular really stood out: the effect it has had on the lives of the children they have reached out to. If there is anything needed in this world today, it’s the need for more of a focus on our young people and Denver Young Life does just

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