Department Of Homeland Security Essay

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In this analysis, two definitions of the purpose for the Department of Homeland Security are examined. One definition is the original, and the other is the modern and commonly accepted interpretation. The analysis briefly highlights the origins of the Department and why it’s founding was rallied for. Upon reflection, these two definitions reveal how this relatively new division has undergone reform.

The first definition of homeland security is very interesting, in particular because of the era in America history during which it was defined. This definition was published in the summer of 2002, less than a year after the attacks on the World Trade Center took place. The Department of Homeland Security itself was established as quickly as possible, in order to respond to future threats and reassure the people that their country …show more content…

How the government chose to pursue these goals is increasingly evident in America society. One method to prevent future attacks that our government used was, employing the National Security Agency. This agency actively collects massive amounts of data on all those connected to the multiple types of online national networks. The NSA has a digital profile ready to be retrieved at any time on anyone in this country. If they collect anything that may be connected to terroristic activity, it will be recorded and reported. Another way the Department fought back against terrorism is by forming the Transportation Security Administration. The TSA was created to make it more difficult for similar attacks to take place. Anyone who has flown commercially in the United States since these attacks, understands the increased measures taken before you are clear to travel. This increased security is present on our borders as